Content I have been LOVING

Grab you headphones

2 of my very favorite people were on a show that I produce and love. Go listen to the FAITH+FITNESS podcast by FAITH RXD and listen to 2 different shows.

Save to you r watch list!

A few shows I watched this month….

+ I watched and really liked Season 2 of Bridgeton. And I honestly think it was better than season 1. It was a little steamy but again not like s1.

+ the Abercombie & Fitch documentary on Netflix called White Hot was SUPER interesting!

+On Netflix I DEVOURED the Ultimatum. I am not proud that I watched this and liked it as much as I did but…I am if nothing but honest with you… so check it out if you need to turn your brain off!

Let’s Read!

+ I listened to The Duke And I (The first of the Bridgeton books). I t was good and I just wanted more of them after watching the show! I will definitely be listening to the next one!

+ It Happened One Summer. This book was STEAMY. I was not expecting that! It was a cute read, but heres a fair warning. Lots of sexy time! It has a sequel but I am not sure I need to read it.

+The People We Keep this is our book club book this month. I am TERRIBLY behind. SO far, good thoughts!

Ok, well that's really all I have for you today!

I just wanted to pop into your inbox and give you a little taste of what I have been up to when I rest! I hope some of these things help you rest this weekend!

LET ME KNOW…hit that reply and give me your recommendations!

I will be back next week with something…maybe inspiring…OH NO, I know!!

I will tell you how Jess's truck got stolen!!


Ok, meet you back here next week!


3 Ways to get back on the same page with your partner


Creating a Family Culture on Purpose with Kimberly Amici